AIC’s Biblia Husema Broadcasting Fires 15 Presenters, Editors

Africa Inland Church (AIC) owned radio station Biblia Husema Broadcasting (BHB) has dismissed at leased 15 presenters and editors in cost-cutting measures.
The 15 were handed redundancy letters on reporting to work on February 10, 2020.
Senior editors sacked include Vincent Anguche and his assistant Irene Ndunda, drive show presenter Mwanambai Mbai, swing presenter Denis mulwa and Truth FM staff including gospel switch host Cynthia Njuguna ,break fast host Daniel Anunda ,Tess Libanze and the Big testimony presenter Isreal Kagiri.
Biblia Husema Broadcasting “BHB” Studios was started by missionaries Bob and Lillian Davis of the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) in 1953 at the AIM Mission Station in Kijabe, Kenya. The BHB Studio work was supported by the Davis’s personal funds and “Back to the Bible”, an American radio ministry, which backed the radio work in Kenya through the 1960s to the 70s.
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The first programs consisted primarily of music and teachings, and soon after featured interviews, devotions, hymn requests, and some history and biographies.
Since then, the management of the station has been placed under the AIC church, which is said to have instituted new management.
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