Landlords, Tenants Association Wants Rent Waived For Three Months

The Landlords and Tenants Association of Kenya (LATAK) now wants all landlord to waive rent for their tenants for three months due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The association says that tenants should not pay rent for April, May and June, due to disruption of the economy.
In return, the government should assist landlords that are servicing loans from commercial banks to get a six-month moratorium.
“Mr. President, on a credible mediation process, start with writing off rent for three months with no threats, notices, locking houses, disconnection of water/electricity and eviction by auctioneers,” said LATAK.
Read: Kenyans Transferred Ksh684.5 Billion To One Another On Mobile Money in 3 Months – Report
In a joint press briefing with Matatu and Boda Boda Operators federation of Kenya Wednesday morning, the association urged the state to consider reducing levies on fuel by at least 50 percent and reconsider parking fees.
Currently, the country has 81 confirmed COVID-19 cases, one death and two recoveries.