‘The Star’ To Give Kenyans Free Newspapers After Winning Gov’t Tender

Radio Africa’s newspaper The Star has announced that its readers will be receiving free copies of the paper every Tuesday, accompanied by a My Gov pullout.
This is after The Star won a tender late last year to circulate and print My Gov copies. This Tuesday, the paper will print and distribute 100,000 copies.
My Gov is a government newspaper containing tenders and all government communications, including stories from different ministries.
It also includes news from government agencies, vacancies across state offices, stories on agriculture, and innovation, and top stories from counties, youth and parliamentary affairs, among others.
Radio Africa Group Head of Content Paul Ilado said the first copy will be produced on January 9, 2024, with in-depth coverage of balanced interesting stories, and exclusive pieces.
“The Star Kenya’s circulation has grown over time and we are hoping to take advantage of the new deal to grow it further,” Ilado said.
Ilado added that the copies will be available across all 47 counties in the country, and readers should look out for the copies at Huduma Centers, matatus, and all public places and Post offices near them.
“We are going to have more content, including inside political stories, over and above the other exclusive stories. We want to ensure that everyone in Kenya receives our copy and keeps reading us daily going forward. This now gives us massive leverage to be able to reach everyone across the country.”
“We have revamped our circulation and will now be able to move to the villages in addition to urban areas. The stories in our newspaper will be for people, by the people and will hold those in power to account,” Ilado added as he urged advertisers to take advantage.
Aside from the physical copy, Ilado says the My Gov copy will also be available on mgazeti.com and the Star website.