How To Apply For New Number Plates On NTSA

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has introduced new reflective number plates which come in oblong and square shapes.
Motorists in Kenya can now apply for the new plates in a process that has been reduced to only three steps, according to the government agencies.
However, before applying, vehicle owners are advised to confirm the shape of the plates currently affixed on the motor vehicle.
After application, the owners can collect the plates after seven working days.
A single reflective number plate will cost Ksh1,550 while a pair will cost Ksh3,050.
Here’s the process of applying for the new plates;
Step 1
Log into the E-Citizen account
Select NTSA service portal (New)
Select the motor vehicle and click on view
Step 2
Click motor vehicle services then reflective plate
Select plate type and counter collection office
Attach the required documents in one PDF format
Step 3
Scroll down and tick the declaration box then click preview
Submit to pay for reflective plate and click complete
Collection notification sent via SMS