NTSA Opens The Roads For SWVL To Resume Operations

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has now allowed SWVL Kenya to resume operations after complying with its regulations.
Dip Patel, the General Manager for SWVL in Kenya, said the green light on compliance from the NTSA will be a major boost to the company.
“We are pleased that we have resolved all issues with the NTSA and that’s extremely important for us. Once we exit the lockdown, we will be able to steadily bring back our operations and we can now show our corporate customers that we have met all the regulatory requirements,” said Mr Patel.
The company has currently paused all its rides due to the pandemic situation, however it is very ready to resume operations again once an exit date is confirmed for the current pandemic lockdown. Post lockdown, SWVL will begin onboarding existing bus owners and public transport saccos, in their bid to benefit the entire ecosystem with a more inclusive approach.
Read: SWVL, Little Shuttle Blacklisted By NTSA Over Illegal Operations
In light of the confusion surrounding existing compliance requirements, the NTSA is willing to look into developing the regulatory framework in place to encompass user and industry-driven technological advancements. This will help to fill the gap that exists in regards to regulating technology platforms in the transport industry.
“We have continued to engage with the NTSA to arrive at a framework that will support technology enabled transport solutions and take Kenya to the next level. This is because, at the end of the day, our goals are the same. We both endeavour to develop an efficient transportation system for commuters that is safe, reliable, convenient and affordable. We are excited to be able to continue our operations and we are very pleased about the consideration of the regulatory framework to incorporate technological developments coming up in the industry”, said SWVL Kenya General Manager, Dip Patel.
The NTSA, on its part, has stated that subject to SWVL’s compliance with certain guidelines, “the Authority has no objection to SWVL providing digital vehicle hailing services.”
SWVL Kenya also announced that they will continue to grow their corporate partnerships, offering organisations rides for their employees. These corporate rides continue to run during the pandemic period and are set to grow further post lockdown.
SWVL Kenya has also announced a restructuring of their teams and customer support systems. This will directly affect commuters, bus owners and captains by providing them with quicker responses to their queries and complaints.
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